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Carole Davison

Carole grew up in Piscataway, NJ, but spent most of her time at her grandparent's farm in

Metuchen, NJ. From the time she got her first stingray bicycle, she would peddle the 5 miles

to her grandparents house as soon as she got home from school. On rainy days her

grandfather found it in his heart to give her a ride. Her grandmother, Dorothy Fyfe was a

very well known riding instructor in central New Jersey. If you took lessons in Middlesex

County, there was a real good chance it was with Mrs. Fyfe. Carole's mother, Barbara Fyfe

was  very active in the show circuit when she was a young girl, competing throughout New

Jersey along with a few trips to the National Horse Show at Madison Square Garden.

Barbara competed in equitation, hunters and jumpers and even gained some legendary

friends along the way. The late and great Frank Chapot frequently visited the Fyfe farm to

test out course designs with Barbara and her rarely faulting thoroughbred cross "Aw-Shucks."


When Carole graduated from high school she enrolled in an accredited program under the direction of a former member of the French Equestrian Team, Maurice Konig. She received her certification as an instructor and trainer and immediately started her own lesson program. Because her grandparents did not have an indoor riding arena, and financial responsibilities called, she started full time work, while continuing with lessons and training when time would allow. She eventually settled in the insurance industry. Her 9 to 5 job included managing litigated matters involving the New Jersey Equine Statute. When Carole found herself faced with a decision to continue in the corporate world, squeezing in time working with students and horses, versus turning her passion into her career, the choice was clear. With much excitement and support from her family and friends, Carole established Fleetwood Equestrian Services.


The company name stems from a horse that Carole had for 25 years, and shared ownership with her daughter, Elizabeth. Fleetwood Flyer, who was nicknamed O-Gee was a wonderful thoroughbred cross that had taken many students to include Carole and Elizabeth to year end championships. In April of 2014, O-Gee experienced a bad bout of cholic and spent her final hours with her faithful caretakers, Carole, Liz, and her companion horse Suzie while they hoped with all of their hearts that she would pull through it. On April 5th, 2014 O-Gee peacefully passed away with those who loved her most by her side. Carole had O-Gee cremated and placed in a spot of high honor in the Davison household. 


Many adults as well as children have trained with Carole over the years. Her students have included back yard riders, those who just want to learn how to ride and enjoy themselves, as well as competitive riders who compete in horse shows. Carole has also trained many horses over the years. She has worked with young horses as well as what some may call ''problem" horses. It is Carole's belief that there is no such thing as a 'problem' horse, but rather that there is an issue or issues that are affecting the horse's ability to relax and communicate with the handler/rider. She has also worked with breeds not too common to the English show ring, to include Standardbreds and Tennessee Walkers. 



Elizabeth "Liz" Davison

Liz has been around horses her entire life, with her first visit to the barn when she was

six weeks old, the first horse that she ever laid eyes on was O-Gee. A mere four and a

half months later she began her riding career with her first "sit" on the special mare.

When Liz outgrew her first pony, "Beauty," Carole gave O-Gee to her to love and advance

through the ranks with. To say that there was a bond between the two of them is an

Competing in Horse Shows has always been a favorite of Liz's, starting when she was

just three years old. She has won several year end awards from leadline, mini stirrups,

all the way up to several jumper divisions. Liz had been working with Carole's mare,

Dance All Nite Jes, "Suzie", in the jumper ring previously, going up the ranks through itty bitty jumpers through the High Children's Jumper division. Unfortunately, during the process of qualifying for Children's Jumper finals, Suzie became incapable of continuing competing at the height due to physical limitations. Liz continued to work with Suzie afterwards and has since successfully created a place for her in Carole's lesson program. Suzie has turned out to be an incredible lesson horse giving riders confidence and teaching them the ways of competition.

Liz is also a First Degree Black Belt, studying United States Black Cat Kenpo at Art Beins Karate. She received her Assistant Instructor certificate over a decade ago at Art Beins. Her experience working with the up-and-coming blackbelts at the karate dojo has given her a strong foundation enabling her to become an outstanding riding instructor. She has a great understanding of the balance, discipline and sometimes limitations that some students face while being involved in a physical sport, such as horseback riding.  


Since her time with Suzie, Liz has been very involved with the training process of multiple off the track thoroughbreds. She truly enjoys the challenge that is present when working with these hyper animals and she especially loves the reward at the end of the journey. Liz also has a way with ponies and has done some excellent work with various ponies throughout the years.

Recently Liz has taken on the responsibility of a full time instructor under Carole's wing. Working side by side with her mother has given her the confidence and ability to take on students of her own as well as swap roles with Carole when needed.




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